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Competitive Pokemon in Gen 6 ruined my life(Because I didn't hack...)
Competitive Pokémon is a full time job (if you don't cheat...)
Competitive Pokemon IS Pay To Win (if you don't cheat...)
CHEATING in Competitive Pokémon is AWESOME!!
Im a blisy CAUGHT LYING - WolfeyVGC Never RNG Manipulated His Raichu!
I tried Competitive Pokemon in Gen 5. Now I Understand Hackers...
WolfeyVGC Didn't Hack His Pokemon! (Impossible Pokemon Challenge)
Defending “cheaters” in competitive Pokemon
Competitive Pokémon drove me INSANE (In gen 7...)
Competitive Pokémon was PAY TO WIN
Pokèmon Picnics SUCK. They ruined breeding.
They said I CHEATED? | Competitive Pokemon History Lesson!